Get Interim competencies with energy and commitment !
Lieto IT Management Services is the easy way to add IT management competencies to your organization on an interim basis.
We have more than 35 years experience in managing IT projects and IT organizations. So if you need interim resources with energy and commitment – we deliver !
We can help you with
– IT Management on an interim basis.
– IT Project Management – we are Prince 2 Practitioner certified.
– EU tenders, Sourcing and Bid management.
We have delivered project management and IT management within areas such as
– ERP, CRM, SRM and other applications. From business analysis, software specifications, development to organizational implementation.
– IT Strategy, IT security policies, IT organization and processes (ITIL).
– Ecommerce, Eprocurement and digital Presence (web, email marketing, affiliate marketing, social media, digital advertising, AI and SEO).
– Business Intelligence and Performance Management.
Among the companies we have helped you will find Staten og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice A/S, Dansk Indkøb Aps, Systematic A/S, JN Data A/S, KMD A/S, KL, Maersk Data, Gabriel A/S and OW Bunker A/S.
Please contact Jens Christian Andersen through LinkedIn for a full list of reference projects.